Glimmer & Gloom

How to use:

For full instructions, please refer to @sQld's thread on Flight Rising forums.

Select the color that you want to win in the drop-down menu at the top of the page, then clear the board on FR by clicking the tile below and to the right of the tiles of the wrong color.
Once the whole board has been cleared except for the bottom- and bottom-right sides, use the check-boxes on this page to check the tiles that need changing. Once you have selected them all, click one time on each of the tiles that turn red on this site in any order.
Now, simply clear the board on FR again by clicking the tile below and to the right of the tiles of the wrong color again. And that's it!

Full credit goes to @sQld and their amazing spreadsheet as this is simply an adaptation of their work. Thanks also to @Sevi, @KnightOfChance, and @sikora for their contributions to that sheet, and to @Catradora and @JumboDS64 for the original G&G Very Hard guide and the G&G Very Hard: Even simpler guide. Website-ified by @LegoFigure11 (that's me!).

Curoius about how this works? Check out this post on Flight Rising Forums.

Problems? Suggestions? Feedback? Let me know on Flight Rising or GitHub.

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